Monday, February 7, 2011

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Figures in Action (for Passion or Mania)

If reading comics is not enough, if you eat all the anime produced in Japan is not enough to make you feel satisfied if you're Marvel or DC employees or simply live in the cult of Star Wars ... è probabile che siate tra quelli che spesso ci chiedono dove trovare action figures, modellini, diorama e quant'altro sia relativo al mondo dell'immaginario di carta o in celluloide. Vi segnaliamo, dunque, la recente apertura di Passioni e Manie , a Palermo in via Giacomo Puccini 38 (dietro la stazione Notarbartolo), gestito da Alessandro Curaci, uno dei volti storici per quanto riguarda le passioni fumettistiche nella nostra città. Alessandro è stato un po' una mascotte per gli operatori del settore fumetto (ma anche per molti consumatori), avendo lavorato sin da adolescente presso alcune delle prime botteghe specializzate aperte da noi durante gli anni novanta. L'ex Robin-Bucky delle fumetterie palermitane, today, he grew up and started his own adventure by opening a shop dedicated to gadgets, toys, sculptures large and small, all dedicated to the world of imagination, at the same time providing computer support and technical assistance on many levels. The good thing is that prices are something for every budget, and those seeking to Palermo models of their favorite heroes, American or Japanese, will be able to buy them without having to spend a fortune. Keep an eye on the field of action figures, second-hand and in perfect condition, attractive items for quality, conditions and price. Come on by the parties to superhero characters Lord of the Rings saga , through the television series, the icons of horror films, always the beloved robot and lots of Manga and Anime inspired. How far have provided hope through the window without a Gundam, an Aragorn or a Spider-Man from the price expensive, will definitely be happy about.
wish good work (and luck) to Alexander for the new task.

Passions & Manie via Giacomo Puccini 38 Palermo


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