This month in which the time is what it is, I have had a hand in pretty good recipe, quick and tempting, to make it tasty olives. Especially the black ones in fact, often do not have a particularly strong taste and is therefore a custom applicant to marinate with seasonings taste and smell great, detail. As a good fan of olives, which I am, I could not miss the opportunity to try a recipe that comes from Spain, specifically Madrid. I must say that the result was very satisfactory, provided, however, that if you love paprika. In fact in Spain using the paprika, which is present in many piatti, ma la paprika vi si avvicina moltissimo (magari Erborina potrà confermare..jejeje..). Ovviamente stiamo parlando di un semplice stuzzichino, ma proprio la rapidità credo sia il suo punto forte, e vi permetterà di rendere più piacevole un calice di vino o una birra bevuti in buona compagnia...
- 650 g di olive nere in salamoia
- 150 g di cipollotti
- 1 spicchio d'aglio
- aceto
- origano
- olio extravergine d'oliva
- sale
- paprika
Dopo aver lavato le olive in acqua fredda, asciugatele e mettetele in un'insalatiera. Add the onions cleaned, washed and cut to pieces. Season with plenty of oil, vinegar, paprika and a bit 'of salt. Stir well completing with the minced garlic and oregano. Stir and let stand at least half an hour to cool before serving.