The month of February is proving more challenging than expected. Lately I have had very little time to cook, then fiugaratevi to browse the shelves in the supermarket or buy some essential tools that do not currently have (for example, a balance ... and we do everything by eye daaai!) So I am particularly appreciative of the recipes do not releativamente too elaborate and fast. Without neglecting which, of course not? Yesterday I remembered a dish I had eaten at the home of a friend of mine in Austria, and I will propose again with great pleasure. This is an intensely flavored pudding that Gorgonzola (he used another cheese but was virtually identical) and blend perfectly with leeks, almonds and grated which will add a pleasant crunchiness. I recommend it as a second or even as a side dish. The only difficulty was finding a piece of sliced \u200b\u200bbread that had the shape of my mini dish. And in fact I have not found it, and I arranged, creating a something between a mosaic and a puzzle! Maybe you'll have better luck ... or maybe more wit ...
- 400 g leeks 100 g Gorgonzola
- 2 eggs 30 g butter grated Parmesan
- loaf pan of bread crumbs 2 tablespoons almonds
After you wash them, slice the leeks and put them in a saucepan with 30 g of butter and 2-3 tablespoons of water. Cover with a lid and let it all simmer for about ten minutes. Lift off the cover and cook for another 7-8 minutes until the liquid dries. Let cool in the meantime the leeks and diced il gorgonzola. Unitelo ai porri tiepidi e al pane grattugiato in una casseruola e amalgamate bene tutti gli ingredienti. Imburrate una pirofila di piccole dimesioni (potete anche rivestirla di carta da forno imburrata, nel caso vogliate estrarre facilmente il tutto) e cospargetela di scaglie di mandorle (utilizzate una grattugia o un mixer) sia sul fondo che sulle pareti. Adagiate quindi sul fondo della pirofila uno strato di pan carrè, pennellandolo con un uovo sbattuto con sale. Riempite la pirofila con la crema di porri e gorgonzola e sucessivamente ricopritela con un altro strato di pan carrè. Pennellate il pan carrè con l'altro uovo sbattuto con sale e cospargete la superfice con abbondante parmigiano grattugiato e qualche noce di burro. Infornate per circa 10 'to 220 ° C, until the surface is golden brown. Remove from oven and before serving, let stand for at least 10 '.
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